Digital music score platform "Piascore" and iPad music score viewer is released. Many unique features such as tweet writing to score, easy page turning with iPhone
Piascore, Inc. (Japan) is released digital music socre platform "Piascore" (, iPad music score viewer "Piascore HD"(free) and iPhone remote controller "Piascore Air"(free) to the world.
A concept of "Piascore" is "MUSIC SCORE FROM EVERYWHERE - ANYWHERE, ANY TIME". Our aim is to realize easy score viewing, sharing style of playing, management daily practice and so on.
"Piascore HD" is iPad application for viewing score, write technique of playing. You can tweet score writing using this application, so enable to communication through new style of music. By coordination with iPhone application "Piascore Air", you can turn page via wireless, no touch "Air Page Turning". And realistic view mode reduces uncomfortable feeling by page view like paper.
We will develop some funciton such as auto page turning, recoding, distribution of digital score and propose new music communication.
*Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in USA an other countries.